Dharma talks and guided meditation offered by Arinna Weisman and co-teachers. Recordings were made during Vipassana insight meditation retreats, and have been graciously provided by Lotus Insight Sangha of Seattle, Dhamma Dena of Joshua Tree, Dharma Seed, and others. About Arinna Weisman Arinna has been studying insight mediation since 1979 and teaching since 1989. Her root teacher is Ruth Denison, who was empowered to teach by meditation master U Bha Khin. Arinna founded the Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts and, with Eric Kolvig, was the first to lead insight meditation retreats for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, gender-queer community. She is co-author of the book A Beginners Guide to Insight Meditation and a contributor to Women Practicing Buddhism: American Experiences, edited by Peter Gregory and Susanne Mrozik. Her practice and teachings are infused with her political and environmental activism. She leads "Uncovering the Heart" retreats which integrate the awareness of the social dynamics of inequity with the dharma practice of liberation. Arinna's website and schedule www.arinnaweisman.org To give Dana to Arinna www.arinnaweisman.org/donate/ Affiliated Sanghas Dhamma Dena (Joshua Tree, CA): www.dhammadena.org Lotus Insight Sangha (Seattle, WA): www.lotusinsightsangha.org Insight Community of the Desert (Palm Springs, CA): www.desertinsight.org Blessings and gratitude to all of those who have recorded Arinna's teachings over the years. Particular gratitude to Lotus Insight Sangha and Dharma Seed, who have provided many of the recordings compiled here.
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