成為付費訂閱者:https://anchor.fm/octopustellingstories/subscribe (*成為訂閲付費者能收聽更多故事!) 「八爪魚講故事」頻道在2022年4月份成立,希望透過故事能給大家帶來快樂!每周會上載新作品,希望大家能支持我啦! The "Octopus Storytelling" channel will be established in April 2022, and we hope to bring happiness to everyone through stories! New works will be uploaded every week, I hope you can support me! 如果你請我喝咖啡,這是對我很大的鼓勵和支持。感謝! It would be a great encouragement and support for me if you treat me to coffee. grateful! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ms.octopus
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