Thyroid Nation RADIO

Thyroid Nation Radio


Health & Fitness

Number of episodes


Published on

2019-10-24 19:00:00



Thyroid Nation Radio

What’s This Podcast

Please join host, thyroid patient and expert, McCall McPherson to lightheartedly, yet thoroughly discuss thyroid disease with some of the most advanced, innovative physicians, educators, bloggers, thyroid thrivers and advocates available. We are on a mission to ensure that no one ever goes undiagnosed and/or under-treated and that all are aware of the intricacies that involve living life to the fullest with thyroid disease. United and informed, we will change the awareness, perception, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease. United, we heal. #SurvivingAutoimmuneDiseaseTogether

Podcast Urls

Podcast Copyright

Copyright McCall McPherson (C/O Blogtalkradio)

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